What are my position on the Issues?

The Second Amendment

“Shall not be infringed” and that’s that. Civilian disarmament, or “gun reform” is not an option in New Hampshire. I will protect your rights.

Health Freedom

Mandates are tyranical. I became involved in activism in 2021 and will always stand against government overreach and protect individual liberties and freedom for Granite Staters.

School Choice/Parental Rights

There is a power stuggle in public education right now. Parents demand access and respect and have been concerned over progressive idealogy for decades, and we must act. NH has Educational Savings Accounts but I would press to increase access to all without limitation and ensure parental rights are protected in public, private, and homeschool education.

Voter Integrity

I do not support the push by democrats to increase mail-in voting. I believe only U.S. Citizens and New Hampshire- residents with valid identification should be allowed to vote in our elections

Keep Government Small

The Constitution was designed to protect our natural rights. I would support legislation that results in restoring those protections at all levels of government.

I would oppose all new taxes, including income or sales, in our great state. I believe the priority to reducing tax burden is to cut spending.

I pledged to support Congressional Term limits.

Body Autonomy and Individual Choice

Ultimately, I want the government to leave us all alone and have little interference in our ability to make our own decisions. I strongly oppose all health mandates imposed in recent years and would support strengthening the acceptance of medical, religious, and conscientious exemptions. No person or government entity should be forcing decisions on any individual.

I support the overturning of Roe V. Wade, because it was never a constitutional right. The decision rests with the States to legislate access, if they so choose. A recent St. Anselm College Survey uncovered that the majority of Granite Staters identify as “Pro-Choice”. Tax payers should not be funding these procedures and I have a lot of concerns about what the abortion industry is, overall.

Although, I do not support a ban on abortions, I would support further restrictions than the current 24-week limit in New Hampshire.

Legalization of Marijuana

We all see the thriving industries in neighboring states along our borders. I would support the legalization of home cultivation, sale, posession, and use of marijuana and cannibus products. I would welcome opportunities for private business to set up shop in the Granite state.

Right To Work

No entity should be able to force an employee to pay dues to remain employed. Participation in a union should be voluntary and never a condition of employment in the Granite State.

Housing Shortage

We must keep the NH advantage by increasing access to housing at all levels. Municipalities should be encourgaed to reducing zoning regualtions to allow property owners to use their land as they see fit. We cannot have a thriving economy in NH, if there is not adequate housing options available to workers and their families.


The government has too much control via regulations/licensing requirements that limit the ability of a free market to thrive. Many licencing requirements for occupations are just fees, and no other qualification to obtain/renew. We should consider removing barriers and eliminating those costs to employees/employers. Prices for goods and services will benefit as well. The government should not be allowed to permit anyone to work for a living.

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40 Louise Lane   Fremont, NH